Tranquality Survey on Consumer Labels for Translation Output - Phase III
Overview of Phases I and II
During his presentation at AMTA*, Dr. Melby explained how ASTM’s translation consumer labels complement the AIGC (AI generated content) label. The key distinction provided by the labels PVT (professionally verified translation) and UVT (unverified translation) is whether the output has been checked for correspondence by a qualified professional translator.
*Before you take the survey, please click here to download Prof. Melby’s slides with notes that accompany the video below.
Phase I of our survey identified replacements for the acronyms BRT and UMT proposed by ATM F2575-2023. We came up with the updated acronyms PVT and UVT based on the results gathered.
During Phase II, we focused on icons and these were selected by survey participants:
Key: The dashed lines indicate source language, the solid line indicates target language, the circle with the check mark inside indicates content has been verified (PVT), and the triangle with the exclamation mark inside is a warning (UVT).
In Phase III we ask participants to answer the questions below. Please note that questions 1 and 2 are required; the others are optional.
Thank you for your willingness to participate in this project.